Wednesday, December 07, 2005

There is nothing we have that we have not received. Every good and perfect gift comes from above flowing down from the Father of lights. I live in a house I did not build - I only share ownership (with the bank). When I turn on the water I rarely think about those men and women who built the infrastructure we enjoy. Drive over a bridge - where did it come from? And how many do I pass over every day? Who designed the technology that your computer is built upon? Man, I couldn't begin to pay for all the ideas that affect my life every day. And that doesn't even start to mention the natural and spiritual world surrounding us that we either mostly take for granted or simply don't notice at all.

I would like to be more aware of - and grateful for - all that I have received.

I have new neighbors. I am grateful for them - I anticipate a good relationship. The previous owner had given me the storage shed in the back yard, however it was not possible to get it before the new owner moved in. When I brought it up as they began to move their possessions in, he replied, "Yeah, she said something about that before...I thought it came with the house."

Alright, apparently he knew from the previous owner that it didn't belong to him, but he had seen it back there and thought how he could use it...and he wanted it.

What should I do? This is my new neighbor, I want things to go well.

Wait...there's more,


1 comment:

Homer said...

Don, I'm thankful for you a man who has deep insight into needs that are not yet spoken in your friends and fellow pilgrims, and you being a good neighbor to our friend.
On the storage building? Lets rename it: a place to rat hole our stuff, do we need another rat hole? How can we find, myself included, to as Jesus says, "let go" at ever opportunity, in fact "let Go" of EVERYTHING.
The sea containers I have--people live in them in China, the ones that Wal-Mart ships there goods in here, are potential homes for a Chinese family.
Your a great man Don, you spread salt/light/joy/peace wherever you go---God richly bless all our "letting Go"
6am Grandy's Crew Member