Thursday, March 25, 2010

Practicing Hospitality

I wonder if you have had an opportunity to extend the grace, shelter, or presence of Jesus in the last week. My wife and I have had a few opportunities and sometimes it hasn't been easy. I am sure we also missed a few opportunities along the way.

Last night we went late to dinner at Arby's. We were the only customers in the place and it felt empty. After a long day, it was nice to have an empty place all to ourselves. But then a young woman arrived. She went straight to the trash and leaned over and looked inside. She startted talking to herself and to the trash. She spoke incoherently in a way that suggested to me that she was trying to get herself ready to speak with others. Pretty quickly, she went up to the counter and looked over the Value Menu to find something she could afford. She had only a few dollars and her clothes were well-worn.

The girl behind the counter was polite and helpful. She gave the wanderer a larger size drink than she had ordered. The clerk offered the woman a sandwich, which was refused. Then the woman left pretty fast. This almost empty restaurant along with the girl behind the counter became a place of safety for those few moments: a refuge for a weary soul, a place of hospitality.

Have you seen or practiced any hospitality this week. Tell us your story. You can comment anonymously if you wish. You might also tell how the experience affected you - however snall or large.


Anonymous said...

I recently was driving along a busy freeway one night and passed a car on the shoulder with the warning lights blinking and an individual inside. By the time I got to the next exit I felt drawn to loop back and see if I could offer assistance to the individual in the car. It seemed like it took forever to get back to this location (probably a 2 mile loop with many stop lights)but the car and driver were still there. As I pulled over a young lady (about 20) got out of the car. She was upset and shaken. She was about 30 miles from home and had just left the hospital where her young friend had died a few hours before. She was out of gas so I told her to wait right here and I would get her some. She was so thankful but I felt like the blessing was all mine. I don't know how long she would have been there as the world just passed her by on their way to wherever.
This is the first time I've told anyone about this incident and I only tell it now because I can do so anonymously as a way to encourage others to do similar things. I've committed to not telling anyone it was me that did something because I want the glory to go to God alone.
Appreciated your story.

Don Morrison said...

Thanks for the safety you brought someone's daughter - The grace of hospitality.