Friday, December 16, 2005

I love this time of year, but I am a little conflicted by the trappings that seem so tightly woven into our celebration. I saw a picture in the news of a lawn decoration - a blood-spattered Santa holding a dismembered doll head. The family said they were merely lamenting the consumerization of Christmas. We have created a day of desires, fulfilled for some and wanting for others. For me, I feel pressure, from inside myself, to be more generous than I should or am responsibly able.

But before the creation of the universe God planned His perfect gift. He planned a blood sacrifice that could pay our sin debt. He spent several millenia introducing Himself to us in a way that would explain the gift He had planned. He purchased His people from Egypt, from Babylonia, from Assyria. He sent messengers to call His people back to Him and to prophecy the Redeeming Messiah.

One day He gave us a baby; His own Son who spoke creation into existence had become flesh - just like you and me. Not simply so that He could understand the human existence, rather so that we who live the human story could see His spiritual existence we have always been intended for and follow Him.

Christmas is a celebration of God's precious gift to humankind - His only Son, Jesus, our only Savior and Redeemer. He laid down His life for you and for me that we may also be God's children, born by His Spirit into His inheritance.

God's generous love is beyond compare. Let us celebrate His wondrous gift and praise the Son for all we have received from Him!

Let us meagerly emulate God's character by giving of ourselves to others. Let us not over-extend our wallets, but let us extend our hearts and our hands. Let us give what is most important of ourselves as a reflection of Jesus' gift.

Why should I worry about some shed that my neighbor needs? I can be happy he has what he needs. I can be happy I have what I need. I can give to others whatever I am able so they can have what they need.

I have to admit, that does goes against my nature often. It takes attention, since I am so selfish. My first instinct is most often self absorbed. And attention is no promise of success, since I often persist in self centeredness.

God help me to learn from you. To be more like you. To be more consistent in my attempts. Thank you that your gift is always consistent, though I am not.

Wait...there's more

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

There is nothing we have that we have not received. Every good and perfect gift comes from above flowing down from the Father of lights. I live in a house I did not build - I only share ownership (with the bank). When I turn on the water I rarely think about those men and women who built the infrastructure we enjoy. Drive over a bridge - where did it come from? And how many do I pass over every day? Who designed the technology that your computer is built upon? Man, I couldn't begin to pay for all the ideas that affect my life every day. And that doesn't even start to mention the natural and spiritual world surrounding us that we either mostly take for granted or simply don't notice at all.

I would like to be more aware of - and grateful for - all that I have received.

I have new neighbors. I am grateful for them - I anticipate a good relationship. The previous owner had given me the storage shed in the back yard, however it was not possible to get it before the new owner moved in. When I brought it up as they began to move their possessions in, he replied, "Yeah, she said something about that before...I thought it came with the house."

Alright, apparently he knew from the previous owner that it didn't belong to him, but he had seen it back there and thought how he could use it...and he wanted it.

What should I do? This is my new neighbor, I want things to go well.

Wait...there's more,


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

My dad used to tell me the road to Hell is paved with good intentions when I said things like, "Well, I meant to..."

I intend to post at least 4 days a week, but I see I am missing a few LOL. I hope I am not paving a road. I seem to not be able to think of things to write that are worth placing here.

I am excited about some friends' involvement in the Organic Church Movement (?). They want to plant house churches all over the place. A group of people are meeting weekly to encourage one another in this ministry. And, I think they have already started a new house church in the home of a new Christian. I am praying for their success.

One thing that was said at their meeting which I truly appreciated was the idea that when Jesus said, "The fields are ripe for harvest. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers into the harvest field." He wasn't telling us we need to ask God to provide more people to reach out to. And, by the way, I often do ask God to lead me to someone - to open my eyes to see the opportunities to help others to know Jesus' salvation. But Jesus was telling us to pray that God would provide workers for the harvest.

Let us pray that God will equip and gift people for that. And as we pray, let us anticipate that God is already working in our life to gift us and equip us for that very ministry. Let us have the faith that believes that God can accomplish in us, through us, whatever He places before us.

Father, may my intentions lead me into Your ways. May I trust your power to work whatever you desire in my life. May I be willing to answer your call.

Wait...there is more