Tuesday, December 06, 2005

My dad used to tell me the road to Hell is paved with good intentions when I said things like, "Well, I meant to..."

I intend to post at least 4 days a week, but I see I am missing a few LOL. I hope I am not paving a road. I seem to not be able to think of things to write that are worth placing here.

I am excited about some friends' involvement in the Organic Church Movement (?). They want to plant house churches all over the place. A group of people are meeting weekly to encourage one another in this ministry. And, I think they have already started a new house church in the home of a new Christian. I am praying for their success.

One thing that was said at their meeting which I truly appreciated was the idea that when Jesus said, "The fields are ripe for harvest. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers into the harvest field." He wasn't telling us we need to ask God to provide more people to reach out to. And, by the way, I often do ask God to lead me to someone - to open my eyes to see the opportunities to help others to know Jesus' salvation. But Jesus was telling us to pray that God would provide workers for the harvest.

Let us pray that God will equip and gift people for that. And as we pray, let us anticipate that God is already working in our life to gift us and equip us for that very ministry. Let us have the faith that believes that God can accomplish in us, through us, whatever He places before us.

Father, may my intentions lead me into Your ways. May I trust your power to work whatever you desire in my life. May I be willing to answer your call.

Wait...there is more

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